The competition among bachelor, master and PhD students of higher school in Russia considering theoretical, experimental and creative skills based on nanotechnology and nanomaterials subjects. The Contest selects the best national team members for participation in the International NanoOlympiad contest on nanotechnology or other related events.
The National Student Team Contest is a national stage of the International Olympiad on Nanotechnology (International NanoOlympiad, INO) having a goal to select a winner student team for participation in INO with a support of the Organizing Committee of the Russian Internet Olympiad on Nanotechnology (RION) “Breakthrough to the Future”. The 1st INO has been conducted in April of 2018 in Tehran by Iran, Russia, South Korea, Germany, Great Britain, Malaysia, Taiwan with a growing number of new countries joining the INO society. According to a decision of the INO Steering Committee, the INO takes place once in each two years with an intermediate training of the student teams within a special international event associated with INO. In 2019, the International young scientist forum IYSF has been selected as such an event within the 12th Conference on Particle Nanotoxicology in Salzburg, Austria. The Second INO is scheduled to be held in Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Oman in January of 2021 and the theme of the event will be "Energy and Environment". Correspondingly, a preselection to INO2021 and selection to intermediate international training event will be performed in 2020 in the frame of NSTC competition of the XIV Russian National Olympiad on Nanotechnology.
The INO is a complex mixed annual collaborative international event which holds an international competition among university level students (Appendix 1 and 2) and could combine a pre-olympic scientific conference for young scientists (Appendix 3) and the Olympiad itself. INO is organized to improve motivation of the students towards deeper knowledge in nanotechnology and better skills for innovative applications of real scientific and industrial problems. It is also a platform for international collaboration and networking in the relevant areas of nanotechnology. Participants propose their competitive ideas and plans as nanotechnology based solutions for focused problems related to global challenges. These rules are based on regulations of RION and take into consideration of the regulations of INO.